When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. - Buddhist Proverb
Today I learned lots of valuable and very timely lessons. I am fascinated with what's happening with my life right now. I feel like I am exactly where I should be, and that God is teaching me to be patient, to be more observant, to listen more, to suspend (ie 'bracket' as they call it in Landmark) my opinions and judgments and consider different views -- the views of others and the different angles. I also learned practical stuff, like I don't have to learn everything to make a good decision (ie most decisions don't require extensive research), that I must not let the Perfect be the enemy of the Good and I must not be reactive and emotional, while also letting the emotions flow. Just go with the flow, just go with God's Flow. I am getting all these from this new book I am reading, from observing and listening more (I lost my voice recently which forced me to listen more and not speak up) and from my new mentor Sir Ed.
I am currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Thanks to my good friend Bernicci who gave me this book last Christmas! It is the perfect book for me. I feel like it's like The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho, even if I read it several times in my lifetime, I will always pick up a new lesson from it which will be relevant with my life's different seasons. I can relate to the author Gretchen so much. I am going to embark on my own Happiness Project ASAP! I am so excited with my life! :)

Happiness Project here we go!
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